Alex James: "A fucking right tight-arsed bastard."

Do you feel like a popstar?

I feel dreadful. But I suppose I am a popstar. I think the emphasis gets placed on my roistering because the other members of the band are all in steady relationships. Roistering. That word is actually in the dictionary. "Indulging in unrefined merry-making". I'm just enjoying going out and meeting people and getting drunk with them. There is a danger, on tour especially, of loading who you are and just becoming the hedonistic horror. But, as Robert Louis Stevenson pointed out, the traveller must be content.

Do you worry that you are becoming a lesser person?

It's not quite that simple. Touring is an emotional rollercoaster. You go from feeling magnificent and gorgeous to feeling........suicidal.

What class do you consider yourself to be?

I don't know. My grandparents were working-class. My dad earnt money and would be classified as middle-class, I don't think it matters. There are drawbacks with being working-class or middle-class and there are enourmous drawbacks with being posh. It's acronmy, isn't it? "posh"? Port out. Starboard home.

Are you a shag pig?

No, I don't do much shagging. I'm really not a big shag-athlete, despite what you may read in the newspapers. I've been linked to the world's most beautiful women and probably the world's most ugly women too. And many more besides.

You were linked with Helena Christiansen.

By the press.

Did you shag her?

Nah. She's....very nice though.

Are you an alcoholic?

Well, drinking makes me happy. It's not like it's a Brideshead Revisited thing. That's the definition of an alcoholic: someone who drinks and gets sadder. We drink a lot. But I also have a day off every week and I stick to that. It means you don't associate everything with being plastered.

What do people think of you?

Probably that I'm a bit of a show-off prat. It can go to your head and sometimes it does. It's gotten to the stage now where people have become interested us as individuals. And they're even interested if we're just being boring. It's in the paper when you go to Tesco. That's very flatering, but all it means is that I've been to a supermarket, I'm afraid. I'm also required to talk about myself quite a lot, which obviously, I adore, but it must get on other people's tits.

Did you ever get punched?

Never, there have to be two people who want a fight for there to be one.

What would split Blur up?

Me shagging their girlfriends.

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